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The winter capital of Jammu & Kashmir is bluffed on the Shivalik Range, overlooking the northern plains. Jammu district derives its name from the city of Jammu which besides being the winter capital of the state, is known as the city of temples. It is believed that the city was originally founded by Raja Jamboo […]


Independence 78th Amar Mahal Bahu Fort Bahu Fort and Bagh-e-Bahu Bagh-e-bahu Tawi Bridge Tawi River Mubarak Mandi Ranbireshwar and Ragunath Temple Jammu Gandola Bahu Fort Balidan Stambh Akhnnor Fort alongside River Chenab jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Slider $('.home-slider').flexslider({ animation: ($('body').hasClass('rtl'))?"fade":"slide", directionNav: true, prevText: "Previous", nextText: "Next", pausePlay: true, pauseText: "Pause", playText: "Play", controlNav: false, start: function(slider){ [...]

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